Thursday, February 19, 2009

Perfect Morning

 I love mornings like today. I am up early all the dogs have been outside and are back sleeping in their spots, Kim is still sleeping, I have had 2 cups of coffee and alone time on the computer to read my favourite blogs! 
 My post was short yesterday cause I had to run, but yes we are going back to CT, NYC and then making a side trip to North Carolina. We have booked our trip for the last week of july and the first week of August. I am already making a list of the stuff I want to see and do ( oh and so is Kim)!
1. Want to see a taping of a show....SNL, Live with Regis, Martha Stewart, Tyra ANYTHING really!!!!
2. Go to Brooklyn
3. Visit Etsy headquarters and see if there is a workshop going on I could take.....ooohh maybe I can get some PD money for that!!!!!
4. Guggenheim
5. Meet someone famous. Last time we were there I was dying to see anyone and we saw nobody. I get back to school and this little grade 7 girl in my class was all " Oh I saw Meriah Carey and Miley Cirus" I don't care if they are as cheesy as Meriah and Miley.....I want to see someone!
6. The list goes on and on. If you have any suggestions please leave a comment!

Oh and our NC adventure. My dream is to visit North Carolina! No real reason as to why however it is just a place that seems beautiful and wonderful and I need to see it! If anyone reading has any suggestions for NC please leave a comment. We are renting a car in CT and driving down to NC for the first week. A little American road trip! I really want to meet people our age and from NC...don't ask me why I just do!

Ok this was a long post I am outta here more later!
p.s. the above pics are obviously from our NYC trip last August. I always said I would never go again in August however that is now the plan!


20 Times A Lady said...

Hope you enjoyed it! I live 20 minutes outside NYC and definitely take advantage of the fact that Im so close!

Stumbled upon your blog.. cute!

Courtney said...

I am so jealous. I can't wait to visit NYC in the spring. My bf and I are planning a trip. Can't wait. My list of 'things to do' should take us about a month.