Saturday, February 7, 2009

Ballons & Hay Bails

I have always wanted to do a photoshoot with Balloons and Hay Bails, just like these pics from this amazing photographer!

Lot`s of people ask me about the Ion cleanses that I get, well these pictures pretty much explain it all. You put your feet in a clean tub of water, the ions pull the toxins from your body, the brown soot is all the crap inside of you....min is usually darker than this pic though and then you are left with a bath of yucky stinky toxin filled water. Ilove my Ion cleanse lady beacuse she reads my water and puts on rubber gloves and pokes through my water to examine all the crap in there. She tells me I always have a lot of tobacco release which I would like to thank the ol` folks for as I DO NOT smoke, nor have I EVER smoked. The years of second hand smoke are evident in my cleanse water!The smokes after diner, the smokes in the car, the smokes while I was in my mom`s belly yum yum!!!!!! Ahhhhh but in the early 80`s they just did not know did they! I really want to find the pic of my mom in the hospital just after she delivered me having a dart. This pic apprenty exists as my cousin clearly remembers it and I need to get it!
OK it is 4:44 in the morning and I just got up to let the dogs out. Back to bed!

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