Friday, March 6, 2009


1. It is Friday and the last day of the work week....yeaaahhh!
2. kim works this weekend which means I can focus on my 2 online photography classes!
3. Signed up for a 3rd photo class yesterday! Cori call ASAP!
4. Total classes I am taking is it! Especially b/c they are inexpensive yet FULL of useful information!
5. Found out that one of my students in going to ACAD next year. This makes me proud that I have had one student each year since I have been teaching in my tiny town go to ART school. I am pretty sure it was never an option before. They were stuck working with yarn and construction paper in grade 12....yes I am serious. That is what you get in rural communities that value sports and little else.
6. Missing Katie and I will call her this weekend.
7. I decided that I would rather blog this morning rather than shower so i need to go tie my hair back and get ready for work.


Anonymous said...

Just found Mrs. Gobell's Creative Space and then yours, so I think it must be encourage art teacher night. I taught high school art for ten years, so I know what you do! You are doing a fabulous job!!

Anonymous said...

Hello there! I noticed you are following my blog! That's awesome, thank you! I have returned the favor.

I know and share your students' pain. I went to Bangor high school. By all means we aren't rural, in fact we're one of the largest towns in Maine. But our art department was severely lacking, and I'm sure it still is. All of our funding always went to athletics first and foremost. I wonder if there is some way we could throw fundraisers to support both of our town's art departments? That would be something!

I hope you are enjoying your photography classes!

Anonymous said...

By the way, I was reading through your past blog entries, and I have to say I am ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE with your Dakoda! You probably didn't know, but I have a GIANT obsession and love for huskies and malamutes!! Every time I see one here in town or anywhere, my entire world stops, I get teary-eyed and excited, and if possible I even ask the owner if I can pet their beautiful dog. My boyfriend gets really embarrassed when I do it. It is my mission to someday [after college and have a yard to play in] have two lovely huskies of my own!! <3 I can definitely see why you love yours so much! He is beautiful!

Katie said...

Miss you too! Glad we caught up on the weekend.