Sunday, March 15, 2009

I miss you

 It has been just about 24 hours since I said my final goodbye and my heart seems to hurt more. I feel guilt...I should have spoiled her rotten on her last weekend. I should have given her a nice haircut so she was cooler and not so warm. I should have given her any food she wanted.  I should have given her more love. I should have slept on the floor with her through the night. I should have had the vet come over and not put her through the stress of the vet clinic so she could fall asleep forever at home with all of us. I am soooo beyond sorry my girl:( Please forgive me!


Leigh-Ann said...

oh sweetie....i'm crying knowing your pain and feeling your sadness and loss. i wish i could give you a big hug. she knows how much you love her, don't ever doubt that! all my love, LA

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your loss.. It's so hard to lose a pet :( Don't feel guilty, she was very lucky to have someone who cared as much as you do.

(thanks for adding our website to your blog list as well)