Sunday, September 5, 2010

Only in Meadow

Since I know live in a new place (Meadow Lake) that is VERY different than Saskatoon where I am from, I am going to begin a monthly feature titled "ONLY IN MEADOW"
My first only in Meadow moment to report was tonight when my husband and I went to Will Ferrel's new movie The Other Guys. First and foremost the movie is a renter but WHO BRING a BABY in a stroller and a 5 year old to a Will Ferrel movie.......well apparently people in Meadow find that to be totally appropriate. The baby squirmed and made noise the entire time and the mother barely saw any of the movie because she was too busy taking the squawking baby out to calm her down. Yes I know I am going to have a baby in less than 2 weeks and I am a terrible person for such judgment!!!! Come on!!!!

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