Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday September 10th- I might be crazy!

Today is the 1st day of an online class I am taking called NURTURE YOUR CREATIVITY AND BE BULLETPROOF. The class is taught by a girl originally from Saskatoon Kal Barteski . Kal is an amzing artist, mother, creator of things cool and just seems to be super cool. The funny thing is that I think she went to my neighboring high school but I am too chicken to ask her:) I think that might be one of my first bulletproof things to today is just ask her.
This class is all about nurturing our own creativity not only artistically but in our everyday lives. It is about being bulletproof and staying positive no matter what.
I plan to document my process here. I am taking the slow and steady class because I am about to have a baby in 6 days so my post may be few and far between but I am working on it.
Today I must come up with my own definition of creativity. It is nice to finally be a student and not a teacher for once.

Because no post is ever complete without pictures I am posting images of a nursery I found on Spearmint baby. I am inspired and feel it is creative so....yeah it fits!!!!


Stephanie said...

The class sounds interesting :]
Have a great weekend!

barb said...

OK so I have finally signed on to your blog and have spent the morning (seriously) reading through it all - right back to the very beginning! Great job! Tomorrow is your birthday and I have not sent anything yet - I will decide before I come see that precious little baby. When I think of you right now all I can visualize is you being a Mom - and I want to get you something for YOU. Only a few more days to go and your life will change forever - I am so excited for you all! Love you guys!!

amandaevesellers@gmail said...

cant wait to hear about the online course jenny!