Sunday, January 3, 2010


Well we are finally home!!!! Yeahh it was such an awesome trip but we are both soooo happy to be home as it was a LONG 2 weeks of living in random hotels and eating out all the time!!! I am so happy we went as it was truly an adventure and we both laughed alot......essentially just at each other's Southern Accents that we kept repeating over and over. My hubby has a gift for any accent....he can hear just a bit and then just run with is sooo funny!
So 2010 it is!!! I am not going to create a long list of resolutions b/c I like to keep those things to myself but I thought I would share a few.
1. I am GIVING up coffee. Yes it is tates bad, gives me a stomach ache, makes me hungry and fat...I hate coffee!!!! Hence the picture of the lovely tea bags. I will drink green tea but NO coffee!!!!
2. Pic of the tree's is just lovely and not mine but it serves as a reminder that I want to take more pictures that are meaningful to me and not just for others all the time.
3. Interior Space pictures- since we are moving I want to be sure to make our new house really pretty and inspiring. The house that we are in now is just a little too big for us. This will be my first move as a mountie's wife and i am actually looking forward to the change.
4. My white camera arrived yesterday yeah!!!! Sorry ADD as it has nothing to do with 2010 resolutions.
5. Scale picture- just need to believe it and hope it inspires me to stop being a fat ass!
6.2010 this pic should have been at the top.
7. TEA is good for you and coffee is bad for me!!!!
8. No more no more no more
Finally the big thing that i struggle with everyday is brown or blond???? my hubby likes brown....and I think I do to but it is such a hard thing to commit to after being blond for soooo long!!!! Please let me know what you think!!!
Happy New year Everyone!!!!

1 comment:

scrappaleica said...

well, I went 2 weeks without coffee, then caved when I was stressed yesterday, and sadly enjoyed Every.minute. of. drinking. it. help. me.
Since I have known you both blonde and brunette I think you are truly just stunning stunning stunning, but the brunette really pops like crazy. your features are more emphasized.
as for you moving, that sucks, I love you as a neighbor!!!!