Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Going out for supper with the tall guy in the pics....my brother

He just moved home from OZ and is working for my Dad http://www.korpan.com/

Massage at 8:00 p.m.

Went to the Doc today for my regular check up and talked about how my Eggs are NOT rotten and if I decide to have kids in my 30's I will be just fine. However I am NOT wanting kids right now b/c they are super annoying!!!!! Sorry friends that have kids, yours are not annoying!!!!!!Trust me I spend 5 hours a day with 25 or more!!!!!! I see what they end up like and babies do not stay babies forever!!!!! Spending the day in a grade 8 classroom is enough birth control for anyone!!!!!!

Yes I am going staright to hell!!!!

Check out www.swoonphotography.blogspot.com

1 comment:

Leigh-Ann said...

lol, i love your honesty...and i'm with you for the most part! ;)