Today is Saturday afternoon and we are having a really nice weekend so far. I had a good visit with the 3rd and final vet yesterday and it seems that my boy is ok for now ( knock on wood, cross your fingers and say a prayer). No need to rush into anything, just enjoy him amd keep him happy for as long as possible. I was preparing myself for this weekend however that is CRAZY and he is not going anywhere anytime soon. The best part of all is that he will not be poked or proded with needles. The one CRAZY vet at the University wanted to stick a needle in his bladder just to get a urine sample out of the poor guy.... I almost kicked her in the face when she brought that up! She had a few more retarted ideas and I seriously wanted to kick her...she was not even a real vet yet just a resident. Ok I am being mean now but REALLY let's stick a needle in a 13 year old dogs bladder just to get a urine sample!!!!!!!!! Let's stick a need le in your baldder and let me know how that feels you crazy freak!
On a happier note our good friends Dave& Laurel came in from Tisdale and we had a really great evening. We went out for diner to Amigo's and then out to the Jeff Dunham comedy show. It was a fun time!
Tonight Kass and I are heading out to catch up as I have been a little unavailable this past week with the whole Koda fiasco. God I love that guy!