Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 5th

Apple Jacks Mommy swaddled

Apple Jacks Mommy swaddled 2

I must say this little guy grows on me more and more everyday. Look at his sweet little face. Although he is not smiling in these pictures he smiles soooo much these days it is awesome!!! I am beginning to realize that winter is going to be rough. I tried to take him out for a walk in his stroller yesterday and well....let's just say Canadian snow covered roads are a nightmare with stroller. We were getting stuck in ruts and snow drift and almost tipping over. It would really help if I lived in a place where there were places for him and I to go but there is NOWHERE and it really bothers me. I hate complaining about it but it is really upsetting some days. There is nowhere to even go grab a I mean nowhere.
Today I tried to go to the gym in town and it was closed so I came home and did Body Pump which has been my favorite weight workout forever and it really is awesome. It is 1 hour long total and each major muscle group is work for 5 solid minutes to fatigue.....there is nothing quite like it really. I bought the equipment from my cousin's gym before I moved away and I am so glad I did. Now I must work on the ol' cardio and running situation!!!! My great friend Kass just text me and told me she ran a 1/2 marathon in Vegas in under 2 hours.....AMAZING!!!! YOU ROCK KASS!!!!
I plan on going to Saskatoon on Wednesday for some much needed city time:)

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